Janet MacLeod – Workshop

Große Freude darüber, daß Janet MacLeod  (www.jmacleodyoga.com) aus San Francisco dieses Jahr wieder kommt. Sie wird wieder ein Wochenende hier im „Yoga am Bach“ unterrichten mit dem Thema:„Nourish your soul with yoga“. If we connect w/every part of our body and every cell in every part through the practice of yoga, it goes beyond the physical and becomes the path of self knowledge – a soul journey. […]


Iyengar Yoga Workshop mit June Whittaker Pisano

Datum: 08.-10. Oktober 2021Preis: € 270,- für mehr info sabine@yoga-am-bach.de In 1979 June Whittaker sought another discipline after an earlier life in classical ballet. She fell upon Iyengar Yoga in London more than 39 years ago, having been completely inspired by the sophistication and depth of its‘ teaching and practices. In 1999, June moved from London to Nice, France to co-direct the Institut de Yoga Iyengar de […]
